Through a mix of theoretical reflection and creative experimentation, I teach courses that investigate the role of the designer and explore the power of craft as a tool for co-creation. Inviting students to question both our immediate surroundings and our greater environment.
Present - 2022, Lunnevads Folkhögskola, Guest design teacher and course creator
2025, West Dean College of Art and Design, Guest teacher, Cones of Curiosity
2024 + 2022, Capellagården, Guest teacher, Textile Department, Meadow Time + Cones of Curiosity
2023, HDK-Valand Steneby, Guest teacher BFA Wood Oriented Furniture Design, Design Methods
2023 - 2020, Österlenskolan, Guest teacher, tutor and course creator
2022, Stenebyskolan, Guest teacher for the ‘Form and Design’ programme, Norms
2020, SLU Alnarp, Lecture: 'Exploring outdoor space through woven willow’
A theoretical and practical course that aims to re-examine and re-imagine the students connection between resources, materials and products. This course provides insights into the basic knowledge of nature, resource, material, scarcity in relation to exploratory approaches to design, craft, method and materials. Investigating the power that design has to inform and inspire products/services that contribute to a circular economy.
Image: Stool prototype made from seashells, seaweed, coffee, ashes, vegetable starch, paper and water as part of ‘The Process Project’ (by Malin Sjöstedt at Österlenskolan)
Cross-Border Materiality
Courses that aim to provide an insight into how natural and social materiality has intrinsic value and origin beyond the power relationship (humans/resources). Exploring how we relate to materials, how we acknowledge them and how we can rediscover them in our every day surroundings. Facilitating encounters with our natural environment and emphasising the sensuous aspects.
Image: Woven ‘Cone of Curiosity’ by a student at Lunnevads Folkhögskola
slow, co and grow
Using a slow design method to research, develop and create a project that explores multi-sensory experiences and challenges our perceived perceptions. Teaching courses that questions the mind and body divide, suggesting that knowledge can grow out of the interactions and observation with our surroundings.
Image: Slow experiments from a foraging and salt growing workshop
“To create, one must first question everything.” - Eileen Gray