Seasonal Dialogues (2019)
‘Seasonal Dialogues’ is part of an ongoing body of work around slow and co-design. An attempt to conjure up open dialogues that challenge and disrupt our current precarious, disconnected and unsustainable tempo.
This piece is about harvesting nature’s timing. Allowing ourselves to visualise seasons of activity and seasons of rest. When looking into nature, we can see clear growth patterns. Seasons when plants and animals reserve energy and seasons when they are more active. With more people than ever living in cities and urban areas and our unhealthy demand for convenience and fast pace living, are we becoming disconnected from nature’s rhythm?
Each ring represents a month and allows the owner to become the co-designer of their own unique object. A representation of their year, a reminder of nature’s timing and a visualisation of our earth’s axis and orbit around the sun.
“One senses the slow breathing of the earth”
Juhani Pallasmaa