Sun Egg No.3 (2021)

Public installation at Kulturgatan Bodafors as the outcome of a one month ‘Wood Art Residency’.

A woven space from willow (known as the Sun Egg) that invites interaction, fascination and healing, as a way of helping us to reorientate our thinking to one of co-existence and collaboration. Developed from the project ‘When I Am Among the Trees’ (2020).

making of

The intended purpose of the design is not only about the physical form of the object, but about the types of cultivated and unexpected interactions that take place because of it. Therefore the weaving and building of my installations are a key part of any project. This allows for people to meet with willow for the first, or thousandth time and invites them to have a go at working with the repetitive rhythm and flexible nature of this versatile material. Creating forms that invite intrigue, curiosity, questioning and become a marker of time and a keeper of stories.

Could the simplicity of inviting adults to take time to be more childlike, playful and curious, be a way of helping invoke new ways of thinking? An interaction and experience that will encourage a shift in thinking towards one that has care, co-existence and collaboration at its centre.


To be inside a woven structure, hints at an almost architectural way of thinking – an experience rather than just seeing.


In collaboration with Malmstens Linköping University: